Women wearing glasses sitting and looking at a laptop

Hiring Made Easy with Ascend

The Ascend Network helps you hire the right talent in Indiana.

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Meet the Ascend Network

Find qualified candidates for your open positions with our job matching platform.

Expand your recruitment reach.

We have a diverse pool of vetted candidates in the Network. Our main focus is early-career job and internship seekers, but we also have job seekers with 4+ years of experience. Our candidates come from across Indiana, and they’re eager to launch their careers in companies like yours.

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An illustration of a professional standing in front of a tablet view of Ascend Indiana's Network Platform

Get tailored candidate matches.

We do much more than just show you resumes. We consider your company’s needs and match you with qualified applicants who we think would be a good fit for your open positions.

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An illustration of a professional sitting on top of desktop view of Ascend Indiana's Network Platform

Hire with confidence.

Find candidates more efficiently and secure the right people for your internships and jobs using a single platform.

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An illustration of a professional standing in front of a mobile view of Ascend Indiana's Network Platform

Joining the Ascend Network is easy

Get started with these three steps.

1. Schedule a brief introductory call so we can get to know you and your hiring needs.

2. Meet with a member of our team to build your profile and post your open positions.

3. Connect with talented job and internship seekers to start filling your roles as soon as possible.

Schedule Call
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Ascend is committed to delivering high-quality support and providing a reliable talent pipeline.

Amanda P.'s company logo.
Amanda P.'s headshot.

If you are looking for a valuable, innovative talent partner, look no further: Ascend is it!!


Amanda P.

Brian S.'s company logo.
Brian S.'s headshot.

Ascend helps us target individuals with the specific majors, skills, and workstyle preferences that match HCRN. Our most recent hard-to-find hire - a Data Manager for our complex clinical trial software - would not have been possible without the Ascend Network.


Brian S.

Discover and hire the right talent.

Ascend can help you achieve your team's workforce goals.

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Mobile phone illustration of Ascend Indiana's Network platform